Although our workplace is a bit older with an average age of about 45 (as of August 2020), the executive level is somewhat younger, with many in the late 40s and early 50s.
The 12 staff members in our head office and Kyoto branch range in age from the early 30s to the 50s,. We are a small elite group, helping each other and working harmoniously together.
The workplace includes sales, engineering, clerical, and assembly/inspection staff, with a variety of work histories, and most of them are mid-career hires. Training is based on classroom training for about one week after joining the company and on-the-job training for the rest of the time.
Communication is easy, and we believe that even new hires can quickly become familiar with the workplace, as they can consult with us at any time.
We have regular dinner parties twice a year in summer and winter, and sometimes employees go out for drinks individually.


A company with few employees and is well- communicate.
You can enjoy it.

Sales Manager
Joined the company in 2014Mr. D

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A company with few employees and is well- communicate.
You can enjoy it.

Mechanical Engineer
Joined the company in 2018Mr. C

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